Nancy Loedy

Nancy Loedy

Reiki Practitioner, Brain Integration Specialist

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Nancy practices a form of Specialized Kinesiology called Crossinology. Nancy was certified in 2011, holds advanced certifications in BIT, is Reiki Level 1 attuned, and 200RYT yoga teacher. Nancy holds a BM in Music Performance
and it a composer and musical director.
"I am a dedicated caregiver with a serious penchant for actively changing the world. I believe that we are all here to help eachother and I take it as my duty to help those who reach out to me. "

Crossinology Brain Integration Technique (BIT) is a cutting edge technique, based in kinesiology, that improves the functioning of the brain. BIT combines kinesiology, physiology, and the acupressure meridian system to make miracles possible. Crossinology Brain Integration Technique uses a complete protocol addressing 20 different areas, identifying and relieving stress in the brain to improve the way you think, behave, feel, and the way your body moves.