Kate Graham, LMHC, C-IAYT


Founder of Soulful Yoga Therapy
Kate passionately believes in a full body approach to health and wellness. The "top down" nature of psychotherapy and the "bottom up" nature of yoga as therapy is a powerful combination for healing. Through yoga and psychotherapy, she feels that the integrated nature of the physical body, emotional body, mind body and spirit body can be honored.
Kate is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and one of the most prominent Yoga Therapy practitioners in the Boston area. As the founder of Soulful Yoga Therapy, Kate specializes in psychotherapy and yoga therapy for those who experience anxiety, depression and trauma. She has been involved in research studies on yoga and mental health, and taught trauma sensitive yoga at the Brookline Trauma Center for five years, a program initiated by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk and David Emerson.